Discussione: Poesia per Lisa Marie
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Vecchio 31-05-2007, 20:45
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Predefinito Re: Poesia per Lisa Marie

Certo!Eccola qua!!Scusate in anticipo gli eventuali errori di traduzione!!!

I don't want to get up---to face the day—
She's so quick to tell me I am wrong
She and I are always here alone.

She says why can't we go outside today?
Because she really wants to play.

I tell her that I love her so,
But I must stay indoors today –

She says, but you don't have to be alone.
Why can't we just have fun all day?

I tell her that I'm tired--getting old--
She says, Daddy, you're not growing old –

it's just that you're afraid they'll be too bold.
She says Oh Daddy, come on out with me!

I'll get the Jeep and we can ride.
So I get up and watch her eyes as they look at me.

So full of love and trust and pride--
This, my little girl, my joy, my life –

She leads me out into the sun--
And then we really do have fun.

She keeps me laughing, this child of mine.
And I start to feeling really fine.

She tells me, Listen...that's your name!
Come on now Elvis, we have to do your thing –

And when we walk down to the street-
I know she's proud of me-her daddy-

She says, it's you they want to meet!
Now daddy, stand up straight, and don't forget - hold up your head.
Remember you're the best and I'm here with you-

This is better than staying in bed.
They are my friends too-

and I will help you talk and we can walk -Right to the gate-
I'll show you-they really are our friends -
And Daddy, try to stand up straight –

or I will have to kick you shin.
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