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Vecchio 15-08-2008, 15:54
hurt hurt Non in Linea
Elvis Golden Fans
Data Registrazione: 03 2006
Locazione: a casa mia
Messaggi: 12.666
Predefinito Re: 31° Anniversario: 16 Agosto 1977 - 16 Agosto 2008

Elvis, in questo periodo sono a corto di belle parole, tra l'altro rischio anche di essere ancora più ripetitiva.

Credo però che non ci siano parole più belle di quelle che tuo padre ha voluto far scrivere sulla tua lapide.
Perciò le prendo in prestito perchè nel 2008, valgono esattamente come 31 anni fa

He was a precious gift from God we cherished and loved dearly
He had a God-given talent that he shared with the world
And without a doubt, he became most widely acclaimed;
Capturing the hearts of young and old alike.

He was admired not only as an entertainer, but as the great humanitarian that he was;

For his generosity, and his kind feelings for his fellow man.
He revolutionized the field of music and received its highest awards

He became a living legend in his own time;
earning the respect and love of millions
God saw that he needed some rest and called him home to be with Him
We miss you, Son and Daddy.

I thank god that He gave us you as our son

I Still Cry

I'm making flowers out of paper
While darkness takes the afternoon
I know that they won't last forever
But real ones fade away to soon

I still cry sometimes when I remember you
I still cry sometimes when I hear your name
I said goodbye and I know you're alright now
But when the leaves start falling down I still cry
It's just that I recall September
It's just that I still hear your song
It's just I can't seem to remember
Forever more those days are gone

I still cry sometimes when I remember you
I still cry sometimes when I hear your name
I said goodbye and I know you're alright now
But when the leaves start falling down I still cry
But when the leaves start falling down

Ultima Modifica di hurt : 16-08-2008 08:22
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